Acceptance — Cleaning — Drying — Storage

The processing shop is located in a separate building. The equipment is located on metal platforms in three levels. It allows to produce rice groats of the highest quality.
The technological scheme for the production of rice groats is represented by two sections of equipment from different manufacturers:
The workshop produces products of several types, from rice cereals to exclusive varietal cereals, parboiled rice cereals and red grain rice.
The production line is automated and controlled from the control room. The workshop uses modern methods of dedusting equipment and bunkers, followed by air purification.

The reception department is equipped with equipment from the Korean company DAEWON GSI.
The equipment of this department makes it possible to obtain cereals of about 10 types with any, even very high quality indicators, so that packaged products under the trademarks of the production of Maryansky Rice Plant meet the requirements of the most demanding consumer.